Cannabidiol is the second most prevalent active ingredient in cannabis. While CBD is an essential component of Cannabis, it is derived directly from the hemp plant, a cousin of Cannabis, or manufactured in a laboratory. One of hundreds of components in Cannabis, CBD does not cause a "high" by itself. It has been known to help with a range of ailments including :pain, anxiety and inflammation.

  • CBG

    Cannabigerol is a type of cannabinoid obtained from the cannabis plant. It’s often referred to as the mother of all cannabinoids. This is because other cannabinoids are derived from cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), an acidic form of CBG. Like CBD, CBG has been used to combat pain without the intoxicating effect of cannabinoids like THC. Research shows that CBG also can have therapeutic effects.

  • CBN

    Cannabinol is understood as a weaker version of THC. When THC found in the cannabis plant age, they break down and degrade into CBN. This leads to the formation of a less potent cannabinoid where only the sedative, rather than the psychoactive effects, are primarily felt. It’s about 25% as effective as THC, which makes it a mild chemical. Unlike CBD, which is entirely non-psychoactive, CBN in larger doses can produce mild psychoactive reactions.